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it not available造句

"it not available"是什么意思  
  • However you haven't yet published this and its not available for scrutiny.
  • Previously, it not available in the English-speaking world except by import of the French and Japanese editions.
  • Just because there's no chronic pain service in your town doesn't mean its not available either.
  • If its not available somewhere else, then perhaps the information doesn't belong in an encyclopedia of this kind.
  • I tried to look at the same elsewhere but its not available and neither can I either copy or extract the image.
  • Is it not available as a regular symbol, like the dozens of others ? talk ) 07 : 57, 8 July 2016 ( UTC)
  • At this point you must see the Chinese Wikipedia as a Chinese organization, and all the mainland Chinese Wikipedians would rather see Wikipedia available for edit on issues that are not sensitive to the government, than to see it not available at all.
  • :I have writen such a tool but its not available to the public for access, but its results are . if there are users who want this information all you have to do is ask me . ? command 03 : 12, 25 November 2007 ( UTC)
  • Based on a thorough reexamination of the pictorial evidence, much of it not available in Lefebvre's time, as well as experimental archaeology, modern scholars like Georges Raepsaet have refuted Lefebvre's findings, particularly his glaring underestimation of the capacities of ancient horse-drawn ploughs and carriages.
  • Can i get more details about this word " water tankering " ? we are using this word during emergency response . but still its not available in english language . we need to include this word to be part of language . how can we do it ?  Preceding talk ) 11 : 13, 13 April 2012 ( UTC)
  • It's difficult to see it not available in a sentence. 用it not available造句挺难的
  • Nevett said that if the domain was " not purchased within 4 days, it will be released back to the registry and will be generally available for registration . " But once a name was supposedly " reserved " for a potential customer, not only was it not available at any less expensive registrar, but the fee charged by Network Solutions went up to $ 35 instead of the original fee charged of around $ 10.
  • These " editors " are saying the new source ( https : / / familysearch . org / ark : / 61903 / 1 : 1 : VLY6-RMX ) is secondary information, them knowing that it is original communication from one data base to another, with / familysearch . org simply being a portal for that information to be viewed without paying for it ( where paying for it would make it not available for public view ), So these " editors " are purposely saying the information is not valid so the only option would be that it could not be seen, by default, for the " original source " because you would have it pay for it from their site.
如何用it not available造句,用it not available造句it not available in a sentence, 用it not available造句和it not available的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。